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The History of


The Man, The Myth, The Legend

Sir Francis Bacon / Saint Germain


Portrait by Pourbus the Younger, 1617



1561 ?

Sir Francis Bacon's True Parentage


Sir Francis Bacon was actually the secret son of Queen Elizabeth I and the Earl of Leicester, Robert Dudley (the Queen's favourite). Sir Robert Dudley was well known as a close friend and confidant of the Queen. Less well known to all but a few, was that Sir Robert Dudley was in fact the Queen's lover.


It is believed that on September 12, 1560, Queen Elizabeth and Dudley were married at Lord Pembroke's house. By November, 1560, she was visibly pregnant, and in December, a secret dispatch by the Spanish Envoy revealed that the Queen was pregnant with Dudley's child. Elizabeth was told that if she would confirm the pregnancy by marrying Lord Leicester, France and Spain would combine their forces to remove her from the throne and replace her with a Catholic ruler.

1564 - 1616 ?

The Bacon Shakespeare Controversy


William Shakespeare (whose last name is actually Shagspur), was born to illiterate parents in 1564. At the age of 16 he became an apprentice to a butcher. He was later employed by Nathaniel Bacon, the Earl of Leicester, as a groom, then finally recruited by Francis Bacon to be the "face" of their writings.


In her book Foundations Unearthed, Marie Bauer went even one step further by saying:
"William Shakespeare, the Stratford man most definitely could not have written them, because it has been proved, time and again, beyond the shadow of a doubt that William Shakespeare could not read or write." -- Foundations Unearthed, Marie Bauer Hall



King James Version of the Bible


On 25 June 1607, Sir Francis Bacon was appointed Solicitor-General and Chief Advisor to the Crown. He had presented new ideas to the Government for the Reformation of the church and was officially instructed to commence restructuring the Bible. Research in the Records Office of the British Museum reveals that original documents still exist which refer to important proceedings associated with Sir Francis Bacon’s involvement with the editing of both the Old and New Testaments. They reveal that he personally selected and paid the revisers of the New Testament, who completed their task under the instructions of Bacon’s long-time friend, Dr Andrews.

Upon its completion in 1609, a remarkable event occurred -- the translators handed over the revised manuscripts to King James for his final personal approval. However, it was well known that King James was not competent to check their work and edit it. It was also known that, at the completion of the editing, Sir Francis Bacon and King James I had a series of meetings to finalize editorial matters associated with the new Bible.

The first English language manuscripts of the Bible remained in Bacon's possession for nearly a year. During that time, it is believed by many scholars that Bacon honed the various styles of the translators into the "unity, rhythm, and music of Shakespearean prose", wrote the prefaces and created the whole scheme of the Authorized Version. Other historians contend that during this time numerous hidden ciphers, and Masonic and Rosicrucian symbols were added to the text and it's illustrations.


1600 - ?

Scientific Method


Long thought to be the Father of Modern Science and the Industrial Revolution, Sir Francis Bacon was the first man to enunciate a method for making the technological innovations that were beginning to change European life. The ancient Greeks had felt that deduction was sufficient to access all important information. Bacon criticized this notion. He put forth the hypothesis that valid information about a subject could only be obtained through scientific experimentation. Under Bacon's regime, phenomena was observed, hypotheses made based on the observation. Tests would be conducted based on hypotheses. If the tests produced reproducible results then conclusions could be made. These conclusions would spur additional questions and the process would begin again. Thus was born the modern "Scientific Method".

Image by Anne Nygård

1600 - ?

Francis Bacon and the Rosy Cross


Much has been said of Bacon's connection with that influential Society which flourished in England in the reigns of Elizabeth and James, known as the Rosicrucian Society, whose very existence was so carefully concealed that few outside of its fellowship knew of its existence:

"Modern times have eagerly accepted, in the full light of science, the precious inheritance of knowledge bequeathed by the Rosicrucians. It is not desirable, in a work of this kind, to make disclosures of an indiscreet nature. The Brethren of the Rosy Cross will never and should not, at peril and under alarm, give up their secrets. This ancient body has apparently disappeared from the field of human activity, but its labors are being carried on with alacrity, and with a sure delight in an ultimate success." -- Beyond Masonic Cyclopadia. London, 1877

1600 - ?

Ciphers and Hidden Writings


An Englishman of noble birth, Sir Francis Bacon and his Rosicrucian fraternity developed many revolutionary works. They made use of several different kinds and types of cipher, some of them to sign various published works issued outwardly under different names or pseudonyms, and some of them to give messages or teachings.

Francis himself was a secretive person both by choice and by necessity. He learnt the use of ciphers early in his youth when he was employed by Lord Burghley and Sir Francis Walsingham, on behalf of the Queen, on intelligence matters both at home and abroad.

Francis Bacon not only used cipher but also invented several ciphers of his own, one of which he describes in Book VI of the 1623 Latin edition of his Advancement of Learning (the De Augmentis Scientiarum, first published in English translation in 1640). This particular cipher he calls the Bilateral Cipher, which he says he invented in his youth whilst in Paris (1576-9). From the principles of this cipher, Morse Code was later developed and ultimately the binary system that computers use nowadays.
Sir Francis Bacon devised the aptly named 'Baconian Cipher', not to encrypt the content of his messages, but to disguise messages in the way in which another text (often called a covertext) is written. It was not so much a cipher as steganograph.

Image by Aaron Burden


Bacon's New Atlantis


Bacon's novel New Atlantis, published a year after his death in 1627 by his secretary William Rawley, represented his vision for a new "Golden Age." It was about a crew of shipwrecked sailors who arrived on the shores a mysterious, unknown land, whose people had a much higher developed culture and possessed a technology unlike anything they had ever seen. He talked about buildings a half a mile high, flying machines, underwater vehicles, and a government of philosopher-scientists working on behalf of an enlightened group of people who were committed to learning, and a higher level of achievement.

"This was the reason why The New Atlantis was issued with the Sylvarum, in order to identify Francis Bacon's 'Secret Order' with the Symbolism of Nature: for he that looketh attentively shall find that the Atlantis indeed discloses 'A Secret Order', but only a Mason can detect it. There are, however, other Secret Orders of a different kind in the Work not yet disclosed. The New Atlantis, which was afterwards published as The Land of the Rosicrucians, reeks with Masonic Symbolism. James Hughan, one of the leading Masonic authorities in his day, said 'The New Atlantis seems to be, and probably is, the key to the modern rituals of Freemasonry.' " -- Peter Dawkins

1700 - ?

Comte de Saint - Germain and Bacon


The Rosicrucians claim he was Sir Francis Bacon in a previous, or perhaps even extended life. New Agers count him among the Ascended Masters. He is strongly linked with the Freemasons, Rosicrucians and Knights Templar. He could allegedly astral travel or bilocate and produced an elixir of youth.

The Hungarian magus, Saint Germain was among the most famous Adepts of Europe. The Comte de St. Germain, “der Wundermann,” is a legendary figure. Little historical fact is known of this Hungarian Adept, a genius or charlatan, depending on your point of view. He was an alchemist.

1776 - Present

America's Secret Spiritual Destiny


Colonization of the Western Hemisphere was largely motivated in the desire to pillage the fabulous treasures of the new world. The explorers, led on by legends of hoards of gold and silver, and palaces encrusted with jewels, formed expeditions often financed from their own purses but sometimes subsidized by the State.
Reasonably accurate accounts of the natural advantages and resources of the Americas were in time brought back by the explorers and adventurers who had opened the new territories of the West, and only then did the European nations give serious consideration to actual development of their newly acquired colonial empires. The French, the Dutch, and the English entered upon programs of establishing permanent settlements along the Atlantic seaboard. The English program was under the direction of Sir Francis Bacon, and it was his genius that gave purpose to the enterprise.

"Bacon quickly realized that here in the new world was the proper environment for the accomplishment of his great dream, the establishment of the philosophic empire. It must be remembered that Bacon did not play a lone hand; he was the head of a secret society including in its membership the most brilliant intellectuals of his day. All these men were bound together by a common oath to labor in the cause of a world democracy. Bacon's society of the unknown philosophers included men of high rank and broad influence. Together with Bacon, they devised a colonization scheme." -- Manly Palmer Hall, The Secret Destiny of America

Image by Lucas Sankey

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Image by Kalen Emsley
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