Rainbow Roundtable
The True History
Hosted by Rama Berkowitz & Tara Green
Saturdays at 1:30 pm Pacific / 4:30 pm Eastern
Live on BBSRadio.com, Station 2 + Free Conference Call HD
About the Show
You are invited to join us on BBSRadio.com, Station 2, for The True History, hosted by Rama and Tara.
This radio show was created to share information about global and galactic affairs. Together, they have much wisdom to share to all those who are listening with an open heart.
Rama shares information that he has been given by his Faction Three contacts.
That information may come to him in person, via a phone call, or via text message.
He then relays that information to his audience, so that listeners can hear what is truly happening behind the scenes.
Call in to comment or ask Rama and Tara a question directly. See below
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Everyone is welcome!

Rama and Tara
Rama Berkowitz - Talk show host, Counselor, Consultant, Spiritual channel
​Tara Green - Talk show host, Scholar/Scribe, Journalist, Teacher, Researcher
A discussion of current events from a Faction Three White Knight perspective, with exclusive Faction Three updates from Rama & Tara.
The show offers positive spiritual guidance during this time in which we are moving up to a whole new spiritual level, as Earth and humanity consistently raise in vibration.
Part One
​• Opening meditation with Cheryl Croci on BBSRadio.com, Station 2
• Housekeeping and general updates from Rainbird
• Rama shares his messages received from Faction Three White Knights
• Tara presents current news items
Part Two
• Everyone switches from BBS Radio to the Free Conference Call
Part Three
• Return to BBSRadio.com, Station 2
• More discussion of current events and (real) world history, with audios
and videos on a wide range of subjects: archaeology, political histories,
naturopathic medicine, full disclosure of the ET presence and the secret space program, teachings of the Ascended Masters, and more

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