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Faction Three White Knight News Update - August 13, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

August 12, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

See for info on Rama’s contacts

TARA: Next week, on Thursday the 19th, Uranus goes retrograde. And Uranus is the planet of sudden change. Shifts—unexpected shifts! Revolution. Evolution. I’m going to add my own word: Reformation!

What do you say, Rama?

RAMA: I would say that is so! Because Pluto and Eris [the 9th largest known object orbiting the Sun, and 16thlargest in the solar system] are coming into play in this story, as we go past Lion’s Gate. Pluto moves very slowly and Eris is an asteroid. Her other name is Discord. Together we’re creating opportunities for us to look at our shadow side and heal it right at this time, because everything is on the table—all the fear, all the mess. Everything!

It’s like that song from “Playing For Change”—“War / We don’t want it!” I’m not sure what to say about the fiascos in the news. I saw the article, that they want to vaccinate children. I’ll just say what the King of Swords has said to me: “The only true [Covid] vaccine is Sputnik.” All the other stuff is not vaccines. They’re various forms of corporations with their biological operating systems they inject into you that have a link to the borg queen, I’ll just put it in those simple terms.

TARA: It’s what the vaccine-that’s-not-a-vaccine [but an RNA modifier] really is.

RAMA: That’s right. It’s very evil and very insidious. Like Saint Germain and many Masters have said: “It’s over.”

TARA: Yes! This is another thing for us to know, that it’s not a given that these [vaccinated] people will die.

What is a given is that they will get more and more of a wake-up call. Because the energies keep going higher.

This is what Saint Germain means, that the galactics are intervening on the evil they [the dark side] have been perpetrating. And Omena made it very clear—she did it [got the Jab], but she said that Saint Germain told her it wouldn’t hurt her. And it isn’t just Saint Germain telling her it wouldn’t hurt her. She knows how to do that! In other words, she’s listening, and she’s embracing that Truth as she is one Beingness with that word.

That’s what it means by “the Word is made flesh.” That’s the Word. The vast majority of people don’t quite comprehend the statements we’re making, but it only takes a small group of us to actually be it, for that to effectively reach them. The Galactics can see by whatever means they can reach those people. And all they [people] got to do is ask.

In general, people have heart. There’s just a very small group of people that are really not walking that path with heart. Even if it’s just a religious form of what people think “heart” is, that’s OK. That’s enough. It’s enough to touch another heart.

And now more miracles are happening than devastation. It’s just that, as Micah was saying, If you keep watching the media, you’re going to get the opposite effect instead.

That being said, becoming more and more aware of our own subconscious is really important.

And Rama has a story—not much of an update, but it’s powerful, what he did get.

What did you ask the King of Swords when he told you what he told you, Rama?

RAMA: I asked him about what is going on in the country here, with the overwhelming stories of so much fear stuff—I just gotta put it in those words. But at the same time, they are using some kind of energy technology to cause people to not be in balance.

And the King of Swords responded to me by sending a text message, saying, “I wear a scarf in Washington, DC when I’m there, in the places I go. I don’t wear a regular mask, and I have the symbol of the 3HO [the Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere or Sikh Dharma International] on my scarf.”

TARA: It’s a white scarf and it has a gold symbol of the Sikh organization. And there’s two—?

RAMA: Two scimitars.

TARA: They’re a special type of sword. And they have a chalice or receiving vessel. It’s very sleekly designed. Interesting that Omena thought it was a good idea to do the [opening] meditation on Receiving! That’s the whole principle of the Sikh organization. They stay as open vessels, and they defend the Sword of Truth with that scimitar. It’s kind of a curved sword that curves around the receiving vessel. Very interesting!

That’s another thing: there will be no violence [when the power crowd get arrested]. Penny was thinking about, “What about those people who are not interested in anything but violence?”

I’ll tell a joke so you get what we mean. The reverend [priest] was at the confessional, and a woman went to the confessional, and send “Bless me, father, etc.” and said, “I killed one of our Members of Congress yesterday!”

And the priest said, “I’m here for you to tell me your sins, not to hear about the things you do as community service!”

That made me laugh. But there are people who think they have carte blanche to go ahead and do that. The reason that’s strong right now, is that Mr Drumpf, when he was running for the candidacy said something very similar to that.

He said, “I could walk down Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody dead, and it wouldn’t bother the people a bit. They would vote for me just as well.”

So we’ve got some very fine lines going on here. And the fact that the King of Swords is wearing that symbol on his face scarf—the King of Swords said that there are many Secret Service agents and people who work in DC in these intelligence agencies that wear scarfs, and do not wear the masks that seal in the carbon dioxide, so that you can asphyxiate yourself by breathing it back down your throat.

There’s the combination of him wearing a spiritual symbol on that scarf and the power that is invested in him as the head of the Faction Three White Knights, and him doing that in that milieu, in Washington, DC, magnifies that all across the planet—the Sikh way of Peace.

This is powerful!

It’s a simple thing, but it’s not simple. It’s powerful, and it’s magnified. Because the power vested in him—he’s right next to Saint Germain. Saint Germain is alive and well. He’s got an office in Washington, DC and an office in Virginia.

And Rama had a little drive up the mountain in a blue pickup truck when Joe Wilson was still alive, before they killed him—Valerie Plame’s husband. He was the ambassador to Iraq under Bush Sr.

They killed him because he was told by Bush Jr to check out if there was any yellow cake that Saddam got from Niger, and he came back and said, “No! Not a drop.” In other words, he went right up against the system. He knew that he was supposed to say something else, and he said, “No.” So he exposed Bush Jr for his malintent. And Bush Jr went ahead and acted like it was all right [to invade Iraq on false pretenses], then turned around and murdered him at a time when people were not paying attention to that. And he knew it was going to happen. And the same thing with Robin Williams. Robin Williams in his last hour and a half performance—

RAMA: It was called “Weapons of Self-Destruction.”

TARA: He exposed, through humor, that 9/11 was an inside job. He went ahead and did it, and it was a magnificent thing. We played it for everybody.

The audience gave him a standing ovation. Ten solid minutes! They were saying, “We got it! Yes! We love you!” And that was the last performance.

The other thing is that the King of Swords. Rama, he’s telling you on a regular basis, so let’s take this seriously—these little things—he’s giving that example of what he did in that position.

And everybody in Washington, DC knows who the King of Swords is. Everybody.

RAMA: Yeah, they just don’t talk about it, because it involves the deep state, which is [pitting] both sides [parties] against the middle. Because we’re watching the end of the old timeline. That might sound like a complicated, convoluted statement, yet “Out of the darkness comes the Light!”

TARA: I can safely say that everybody in the deep state knows about NESARA Law too. Not that they don’t know also that if they say one word about it, their throats get slit, in metaphorical speak.

RAMA: Dr Greer put out The Cosmic Hoax, and we’re still waiting for the next shoe to drop. I read stories all cross the internet, and the so-called Space Force are having verbal arguments with the Navy, with the Air Force. One hand is fighting with the other hand, and I think it is about the gauntlet of power they are playing with. Blaze the Violet Fire—I’ll keep it positive!

TARA: Well, Rama has been talking about this rock that’s connected with the Hopi prophecy. There’s a carving in the Southwest, I think at the Second Mesa. It’s a rock with a prophecy carved into the rock.

And it goes something like this: “He who would gain it, must first pierce the rock.”

And if you watch the story of Avalon, and the Sword in the stone—doesn’t he have to pull the sword out of the stone?

RAMA: Arthur pulls the sword out of the stone after Uther Pendragon stuck the sword in the stone. And he got killed, then later on, Arthur [his son] pulled it out.

The point of it is, this is Excalibur, Archangel Sword of Blue Flame.

TARA: In other words, you must pierce the rock first with the Sword of Truth.

RAMA: Merlin was actually given the sword by the Lady of the Lake, before even Uther Pendragon began the story. It was to unite the tribes of Britain, as I recall. We’re going off on many tangents here!

TARA: That’s interesting, because this all started with the corporation. You might say, it started in England. Except for one thing, as everybody must know by now: England has to answer to the Vatican.

That Vatican is being dismantled as we speak. Over time. They are pulling the rug out from under the whole Vatican story. In the catacombs, there are [hidden] documents. Not to mention there are thousands and thousands of skeletons of babies who were killed in the alcove of the Sistine Chapel. When they decide who they’re going to make the next pope, they kill a baby, they drink the baby’s blood, and they eat their flesh. That happens every single time they choose who the next pontiff is going to be.

It’s almost unable to be taken in. The overwhelming programming of the Church, versus what it really is.

The way that this is being done [perpetrators arrested] is in a nonviolent way, where more Wisdom is being gathered and taught in various ways. And the extremes that are going on right now—a couple of hundred or more voter suppression laws popping out in most of the red states, if not all of them— There’s an example here of desperation, where they think they can stop the vote for Truth by instigating things that are not even lawful.

The Constitution or the zeitgeist of the Constitution is, does not say, “You must be suppressed in your vote.” That is something that every soul has the right to exercise. And how this is done again, is by the power of making our lives filled with Joy.

I just remember at the very beginning of the virus, a really cold chill went through my body. It wasn’t totally fear. It was, I know the evil of a small group of people who have so much money, and they want more, and so much power, and they want more. That was the chill that went through my body.

Instantly, I was so surprised that I spent a real strong moment in time where I called all the higher forces in. And I called it in for all of humanity and all life on this planet. And I haven’t stopped that process every since. That’s the best face mask you can have—to use that voice of Truth, and to have the invisible face mask, you might say, with that image that the King of Swords has on his scarf, of the Sikh way—with that symbol. With the power he holds and is invested in him.

Bernie Sanders did it too. He did it on Thom Hartmann’s show. Thom Hartmann is having trouble. And Stephen Colbert on his show. Everybody is telling you to get a face mask and to get the jab.

RAMA: Which is those energies that are discordant, that are connected with the borg nanites. That’s the only way I know to describe it in a neutral way without crossing any lines or borders.

TARA: And it’s the face of evil. And the children are not withstanding it. They’re rapidly infecting other children and they are getting really sick. All the children’s hospitals in the South are completely full. And children are dying, at a faster rate than the adults. Even the older people. After four or five days, they’re dying. So there’s a concern in the moment, and it’s asking us to become even stronger in what we do, and to have a greater resilience and a greater lifestyle.

RAMA: Just holding the frequencies of the Violet Flame. That is how I can put it.

CAROLINE: Did you give the full report? Did Rama have anything else to share? Because he shared something really amazing at the end of the Abundance Call last night, and I’m wondering if he can share that again, about the Elven Lords. And he viewed the Earth from space. And I know that the astronauts felt very changed, viewing the Earth from space.

RAMA: Yesterday I took a break from the news on this planet, and I went up the mountain and sat and talked to the Elven Lords and Faery Lords, and the trees.

They telepathically showed me an image of the Earth. It was kind of in actual 3D, where I saw the Earth, so to speak, live and in living color. And there were all these rainbow rays that were iridescent, and the main colors I saw were magenta and pink and blue and—

TARA: Pink, blue, violet, gold, and magenta!

RAMA: Yeah! And through those colors, I would see streaky cloud scenes across the planet, where you could see the chemtrails and the ragged clouds that sort of look like clouds, but don’t really look like clouds—they’re strange lines in the sky.

But the different colors and radiant energies that were coming in were changing that in this image they were showing me. I just got a sense that right at that moment, you’re looking at planet Earth in space. This is Home. There are no borders. You see everything. This planet spinning in space. You don’t see the wars, the negativity, the darkness. I didn’t notice the fires, like they show, and the nasty images on the internet.

I just got the feeling that when you see this planet in space, you get such overwhelming awesomeness. This is home! This is reality. Right here, right now. In a sense, we ain’t going anywhere but right here! Meaning, we are the ones who are making this so.

The feeling I got is that this energy that we are experiencing in this momentary lapse of reason, is about how the matrix is failing, and it is failing hard and fast. They, the dark side, are desperate to do something—anything to distract from people waking up. Even to the point of creating some kind of biblical event.

Like what Dr Greer talked about—using their toys from Area 51. Or we’ve heard Max Keiser talking in the past few week giving absolute hints that the market is going down like a rock. It is not funny, but it is about the fact that Janet Yellin and that other character who was the Fed chairman—even though the Fed is dead—they’re still playing with this story that the Fed being the Central Bank that is printing money.

My understanding about that, that nobody even talks about, is that the Fed has already been absorbed into the Treasury to get ready for NESARA. But they won’t talk about that. There are two branches of reality. One branch won’t cross the other’s reality, in the event it’s a Mexican standoff, and who’s going to shoot first.

This is what they’re playing with. Meaning, the so-called power brokers who don’t have any power. The key to all of this—I’ll use the words “Dead Man Switch.” The Dead Man Switch is Julian Assange, because he knows everything that’s going on for all these years. As they try to get rid of him like they’re doing, there are so many people on this planet who are going to be spilling files upon files. Even more files—

TARA: And Julian Assange, he just touched the surface. But Joe Biden is being pressured behind the scenes. On Amy [Goodman on] today, they were saying they [the federal government] think they’re getting closer to getting him over here and putting him in prison here.

RAMA: That ain’t going to happen!

But what he knows, and what he has shared with WikiLeaks opens up the X Files and the Vatican, and then some. I’ll leave it there! TARA: So what was the magic that you were really going to say, about the elves—? RAMA: Just seeing the planet—the elves were sharing with me this image that you hold this vision, when you see this planet in space, our Home. And there ain’t nobody else that’s going to save us, because it’s us saving ourselves. It’s a metaphor, but when you look at Earth in space, you don’t see the borders. You don’t see the wars or the conflicts.

You see a blue-green jewel in space that is so magnificent. At the same time, the Forces of Light are not going to allow this to be destroyed, this creation. Because we have to create this creation. We are the Creators and the Creation.

TARA: We have to know that the higher energies are intervening, and that they are intervening accordingly with us embracing them.

RAMA: What I remember yesterday that I said, Caroline, on your [Abundance] Call, is that in the Hopi prophecy, the zigzag path to nowhere— There are people on that path [in the rock carving], and they have their heads separated from their bodies. Their bodies are on the path but their heads are floating above their bodies, with no connection. It’s just like a skull above, then a human body [well below that].

What Greg Braden talked about, is that these are the souls that are currently in power in Washington, in Rome, in the other places where they want to play with power. And as they follow the zigzag path to nowhere, they are no more! I’m not indicating violence or advocating violence. I’m just saying, they are taking themselves out. I pass the talking stick!

[For entire discussion, see replay of show at:]

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