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Faction Three White Knight News Update - August 27, 2021

Updated: Oct 24, 2021

From A Night at the Roundtable

August 26, 2021, Station 2

Thursdays at 6:00 PM Pacific Time / 9:00 PM Eastern [US & Canada]

See for info on Rama’s contacts

RAMA: Greetings! Today I talked to [Paschat ET] Tom the Cat by text, and he sent me this 12-minute video of David Icke talking about this simulation that is happening right now worldwide, connected with the Jab, the smart grid, and into something called “the Internet of Things,” as they want to progress with their AI [artificial intelligence] technology.

It’s quite insidious, and at the same time, like Patti Cota-Robles talks about, and the Masters, 10 trillion suns are shining their Light in here. This is that gold dust you were talking about, Vinayak. I see it every day, pouring in. It’s changing physical matter space-time.

As you trust and believe in it, it physically changes your reality. I’m seeing that. Tom is just saying, “All over the planet people are waking up like never before.” Part of it is the gold dust, part of it is the upliftment of the Sun. The solar flares of late have really pushed it. For two days, the Schumann Resonance [which measures the vibration of the Earth] and the SOHO Satellite—Solar and Heliospheric [Observatory] station that’s monitored by NASA—"Never a Straight Answer—two days that was offline, and it was because of the massive portals opening in the Sun, and all kinds of folks [ET ships] passing through.

At this time, Tom and all the White Knights are saying, "As we end this period of August, the end of 8-08 Lion’s Gate, we’ve got this aspect coming up on the 28th and 29th—Eris and Pluto in a hard square, and it is going to create revolution / evolution." This is what Pluto does. Eris—another name for her is Discord. She is the sister of Aries, and you don’t want to mess with her! It’s kind of like meeting Sauron, and you’ve got to know what kind of magic to do.

Earlier in the week, this fiasco that’s going on in the land of the Buddha [birthplace of Siddhartha Buddha], Afghanistan—and everything that is going on here—Medea Benjamin summed it up best on Amy [] the other day, even though Amy’s compromised [threatened to support the deep state agenda]. And [David] Icke’s compromised—

Tom the Cat explained, the FDA approved this so-called—I don’t want to call it a vaccine, because it’s not—it’s an insidious injection of misqualified koyaanisqatsi energy—"life out of balance.” It is a creation of these ones who ultimately—it is about these Fallen Angels, the Nephilim, at the top of the pyramid, who are getting exposed. This is the war that’s been going on for the last 13,000 years plus.

It ends here and now!

And David Icke, Greg Braden, and so many other folks are risking their lives to come forward to talk about this.

I’ll say it again: 9/11 was an inside job. It was more than just about the [billions of dollars’ worth of] gold in the basement [of the World Trade Center tower, which was going to be repaid to China on the day of 9/11]. It was about this plan to take over the planet.

TARA: For the Orion warlords to take over the planet!

RAMA: Right. And after 2012, things changed. Since that time, since 2012, so many legions upon legions of Archangel Michael’s forces are here, along with Ashtar and Sananda Kumara.

I’m speaking about this in terms where, let’s say, that when you see a physical starship 5,000 miles in diameter, it covers the entire sky. There’s no more sky left. You just see the underside of the ship.

They don’t want to freak folks out, but that’s how large some of the mother ships are that are here.

All they have to do is flip a switch, and we have a story that surpasses the Second Coming. And we’re right at that juncture. Dr Greer knows about this. He can’t talk about it.

TARA: Well, he’s going to talk about it in these 10 [video] pieces. We did two of them, and we’re going to do another one. It seems they’re going to space them out now—one a week. But we were always told that NESARA will be a simulcast with Full Disclosure. Meaning, the announcement of our galactic brothers and sisters in an interventive, very big-story way!

Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert were talking in their report on RT [Russia Today] today. They were talking about these characters in the play who have been orchestrating, in particular, the Afghanistan “invasion and occupation.”

We’ve got to make that clear, because never since WWII, has there been a declaration of war. Korean War was just an “invasion and occupation.” Viet Nam—same thing. Iraq. Afghanistan.

RAMA: The Falkland Islands.

TARA: Yeah. Syria. Everywhere we have been "invading and occupying"—that’s not according to the Constitution, Divine Law—all of this. As Rama was saying, and Max and Stacey were saying—I’ll just read a bit: “Certainly the story they have told us, the story that was told on the media by the Rhodes scholars at MSNBC, by the children of great multinational dynasties, like at CNN. “What you saw, is that they failed to tell the story—over and over and over again. And they never looked back. Whether it’s the New York Times, whether it’s the Washington Post, whether it’s MSNBC or CNN. “They got Afghan wrong. They got Iraq wrong. They got Libya wrong. They got Syria wrong. They got Yemen wrong. They got the financial crisis wrong. They got all of it wrong.

“And all of our stuff [The Keiser Report] was always right! Looking back in hindsight now, you can look at the track record there on YouTube. It’s part of probably why they tried to memory-hold so much of the alternative media, while keeping their own content up there.”

Just to elaborate this, and we talked about this on Caroline’s [Abundance] Call last night—we played a 15-minute clip of Afshin Ratannsi from Going Underground with Jimmy Dore last Friday [on show Hard News on Friday].

And he said that he’d had an interview with Hillary Clinton, and she said, that the deep state [the United States] “created the Taliban.”

Today there were two explosions. One was close to a hotel and one was inside the airport, and these were claimed by something called ISIS-K. That’s identifying ISIS—that was created by our deep state. So ISSIS-K is just connected to a certain area of Afghanistan.

So what we’re saying, is that everything they’re talking about—they’re talking about Al Qaeda stepping in there. That’s why we always separate those words out, to “Al CIA-da.”

Every piece of every point of every piece of information of this game, that they say is something that is a worthy cause to go after, was created by them—all for profit.

RAMA: The original story about this, that I said something about yesterday on your [Abundance] Call, Caroline—

Daniel Pearl and Dan Rather and Sheikh Jilani were supposed to have an interview on 60 Minutes, and it was about the djinn, and these otherworldly beings, that as we worked to invade Afghanistan—and I believe Daniel Pearl was killed by the CIA—not by the Taliban or Al Qaeda or whomever—

TARA: It’s all CIA!

RAMA: Yeah, just different groups of folks.

TARA: That got paid to pay a role that painted a picture of illusion. RAMA: The deeper story, they’d never talk about except on the strange websites like Jack Sarfatti on—the real reason we went into Iraq and Afghanistan, was for the stargates.

This goes back to the ancient story of Sumer, and Enki and Enlil. This is what Ancient Aliens keeps bringing up. I don’t mean to bring this into the story, but—

TARA: Explain what stargates are.

RAMA: Stargates are portals. You can go from, let’s say, the stargate that is right outside the Giza Plateau to the Sagittarius constellation, through a wormhole. In the Sagittarius constellation, there are trillions of civilizations there that live in Peace and harmony and balance. War is unknown to them!

TARA: That’s why we were told, at least for the last 10 years, that we’re in a lockdown that is a galactic lockdown.

What do they call that—galactic lockdown?

RAMA: A solar system lockdown.

TARA: In other words, we’re in a kind of galactic quarantine. Those that are here can’t leave, and those that are outside can’t come in, in terms of malintent.

The [benevolent] galactics can intervene. And of course, they have a rule that they cannot intervene without the free will choice of We the People.

This is what Steven Greer is assisting us with [by holding CE5—Close Encounters of the Fifth Kind—events where many people meditate in groups at one time, to call in benevolent ET intervention and Full Disclosure].

A sister of ours called and was a little concerned, because there’s more information about David Icke being compromised. And last Friday, we discovered that Amy Goodman [] is compromised. What’s going on is that they are in fear, the old paradigm people, so they are trying to have there—the fallen Angels are trying to threaten various people [in the public eye].

RAMA: This is what Sheikh Jilani wanted to bring forth on 60 Minutes—that these beings [the djinn] that are part etheric, part physical, can interact with physical matter space-time, and change physical matter, and it could be not so pretty for the people of Earth. And this stuff is going on, and at the same time, we are being intervened upon, because it’s at that point.

TARA: So the fall of what they call “the meritocracy”—you might say, they’ve got points of merit in general that the world has been giving to the empire, and those points of merit have failed. People do not trust [so easily now]. There’s all kinds of people who don’t know why they won’t get the vaccine, and there’s all kinds of political stuff in the middle of it. Yet, again—Saint Germain has said that they will intervene. This Light of 10,000 Suns coming in right now in the form of monoatomic gold, I believe, is absolutely that which resolves this issue.

In other words, 4 to 4.5 billion people are already dead from their [the deep state] using something they call the Covid-19, which is an evil concoction to intentionally remove the people, so they could profit.

This is such a violation of cosmic law, that their [benevolent] intervention of this kind of beautiful energy will both awaken and heal all of the sickness that has been caused, or long-term illness that has caused by the vaccinations-that-are-not-vaccinations, as well as this insidious Covid-19.

And Love is the Answer! Love is always the answer.

I want to make one more point: There was a film that Amy Goodman only got to show one time, then it was banned from the world. It was way back in 1997 or ’98 I think. It was called Afghan Massacre: A Convoy of Death. The father of those twin [Bush] girls—Bush Jr is not their father. Gen. Tommy Franks is the father of the two girls. Not Bush Jr. He [Gen. Franks] was the father, and Laura Bush the mother of those two girls.

Gen. Tommy Franks did an operation in Northern Afghanistan with the northern Alliance where they put something close to 4,000 Pashtun people of Afghanistan into semi-trucks, and it’s a very heartbreaking, horrifying story.

CAROLINE: It’s a very intense story. It is. And those people did not survive. I just want to break in to ask if Rama has heard from any of his people if the idea of what Tara was saying—that we are in lockdown, and we’ve been in lockdown on this planet for a very long time, and I get the feeling is changing now—

Do any of your people say that, Rama? Or do you get that impression, intuitively? Because I feel that ships and beings are coming in to assist. I feel that there are new councils and new alliances helping us all the time. And I don’t feel that the quarantine is as complete as it was, as far as who’s coming in to assist us.

RAMA: I would say that things are being shifted, and alliances and councils are being cussed and discussed, and there are more and more stories coming out about the Secret Space Program and the Solar Warden. ET Corey [Goode] was part of that, and Michael Jakel [sp?] and many other folks who got mind-controlled at an early age, recruited by the Men in Black—that’s an easy way to describe it. They did stuff as soldiers, and they [their controllers] wiped their minds [of memories of their time in the Secret Space Program]. Many of these folks got regressed, and worked with their higher selves to bring the memories back to heal this stuff, of what happened. I bring it back to the story—right as Hitler was losing the war, so to speak, he went and moved all his stuff to South America, and then to the Antarctic.

Even to this day, the Nazis and the Antarctic story—that’s part of why Buzz Aldrin went down there, he was basically like, “Holy shit! What happened here?”

TARA: Yeah, he saw stuff that turned him white as a ghost down there!

RAMA: Yeah! He said, “There is evil here,” and he was talking about how the Nazis had aligned with different secret military groups.

Many of these folks now are leaving Antarctica. Many of these space-based groups that abducted people from Earth and recruited them are also leaving, and going back to Aldebaran—that constellation.

Because the war is basically over, because of the Transfiguration of what’s going to happen with the Sun.

When that happens, the whole story is kind of like, they got a lot of explaining to do, yet they don’t have the wisdom to do it. That’s where the Ascended Masters and the Angels come into help us integrate these energies right now, and it is a tough one.

TARA: I was talking to you, Micah, the other day [about this]. People who have made their transition, where they go is the Antares Midway Station. They get re-integrated into galactic law.

This is good, bad, and ugly. In other words, if we know that someone from this side was using black magic for witchcraft for ill-gotten attainment of any kind—that energy that was carried in that physical form—the spirit of that being has an opportunity. Mother made an exception. She said there are 500,000 beings who thought they could push past this point of no return.

And they will be taken, and we will view it—they will be taken to Dracos, and King Dracos and his daughter Princess Ardala will try them for intergalactic war crimes. This will be done without any violence. And we will learn how people learn how to change with Love.

Any questions, sister Caroline?

CAROLINE: You both keep emphasizing the power of the Sun right now.

A big question I’ve had, as you’re talking about monoatomic gold—all right, it’s shifting things. It’s shifting all of us, and probably every living thing on the planet.

But is it also shifting Earth vibration in a way that tweaks the timeline? That shifts Earth experience?

RAMA: Yes!

TARA: Exactly. Because Mother Earth asked.

The human race on its own has done so much harm to the body of Mother Earth that she’s been dying for some time now. She asked for a special dispensation for assistance.

And of course, for all of us here, and that means all life, and in particular the human race, is getting a dose and a half. Mother Earth’s clarion call has taken precedence now. Because those 500,000 said, “We’re going to keep doing this.” And Mother Earth said, “NO!”

So we still have our free will choice. Yet the power of 10,000 Suns in the form of that monoatomic solar gold energy coming in, is quite a challenge we got here!

If you think you’re going to resist that—that’s really futile! [Laughs] You will be assimilated by Love! And that’s the promise. I don’t know if that answers your question?

CAROLINE: It does to a degree. I’m just wondering, does it shift or help at least in part to disable the technology and the manipulation of the timeline that the dark side has been involved in? And the technology they’re using right now against people, so we’ll become more ill, and these nanoparticles and everything. I’m wondering if it helps to deactivate any of that?

TARA: And the artificial intelligence chips they’re pouring into these babies and people!

RAMA: I would say Yes. Because the Light that is coming in has never been here before. Patti [Cota-Robles] just talked about that in the World Congress on Illumination. Her last one [video].I could see she was blown away by what was coming through. This is such an unprecedented time to be on the planet, if we can sustain these temples of the living energy, and not go over the rainbow [bridge]. It is a real challenge, I gotta say that.

CAROLINE: [Explains who “ET Corey” and ”Amy” are] . . . My feeling is [regarding Amy Goodman], is that she is not so much compromised as bowing to threats, because she doesn’t want to see her whole family killed, and her as well, and then she can’t do her work that she came in to do.

TARA: Or they’ll just clone her. That’s what they’ve been doing. CAROLINE: I’m hoping they didn’t do that to Stephen Colbert. He’s having to toe the line [about the Jab].

TARA: I don’t think so.

RAMA: He’s too ordinary! TARA: He has to do that. It’s astounding. I do wonder about some of the folks—Thom Hartmann, I see that he got changed when he got the Jab. It’s very noticeable. And that comes back to what we’ve been told—that the monoatomic gold coming in is going to heal all that stuff.

The line that’s been drawn in the sand, is that people will get special healing for this amount of evil that they have persisted on.

There’s something else—there was a huge ship prison that showed up on the shores in Hawaii somewhere.

A sister said it looked like it wasn’t real. It probably could have been not real. But it brings to the fact that there are ship prisons, off-shore, and they’re all cloaked, all over the planet, on the coastal regions of every continent.

There are dark ones that are arrested and placed in there, and they’ve been living in there.

CAROLINE: A starship? Or a ship that floats on the sea?

TARA: Military cruisers—? Those big ships the military have. Where airplanes can take off—?

RAMA: Aircraft carriers.

TARA: Aircraft carriers!

CAROLINE: They can cloak those as well?

RAMA: Yes! TARA: They can put at least 10,000 [persons] each in those [ships].

RAMA: They have aircraft carriers now that can levitate [up] from the [surface of the] ocean and go into space. They can’t talk about it, but it’s out there!

TARA: The operations that we [R&T] hear about, people are saying, “You guys are really smoking something really good! There’s no galactics out there!” When the galactics have been cleaning up the mess behind these characters, and they [the deep state] just double down on the mess!

CAROLINE: Just let me verify—you’re saying that on those ships, they’ve got people from the dark side—the deep state?

RAMA: Yes!

TARA: They’ve got people that have collaborated with very dark stuff, and they’re sitting in ship prisons. Yes. And the Faction Three Galactic White Knights—we talk about someone called Tom the Ring-Tailed Cat. He’s a member of the Ashtar Command. He just shapeshifts into his [human] form, so that he can do the work.

There are all kinds of beings like that, all over the place, and they’re doing all kinds of things with collaboration with a small group of us, that believe in the magic, and we breathe long deep and slow, and we smile, ‘cause it works! I pass the talking stick!

Copyright 2021, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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