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Rama’s White Knight Report - May 19, 2023

For more info on Rama’s Contacts—their missions and backgrounds—just go here.

Friday, May 5, 2023 - The Dalai Lama

Friday, May 5, 2023 - The Nameless Ones and the Poppy Lady Rama: I went up the mountain a bit and created a Jedi Council at 11:38 am late this morning. The Nameless Ones showed up, with the Poppy Lady.

They said to me, “Lord Rama: Happy Wesak! Happy full moon/lunar eclipse!”

And I said: “Ditto!”

The Nameless Ones continued: “There are thousands of lamas from all across the Wesak Valley that are here with us.

"We are chanting the Om mani padme hum and the Om tryambakam yajamahe sugandhim pushtivarhanam.

"There are many craft here. This lunar eclipse ushers in the energies of Lord Maitreya.

"As we work with these energies, it will lift us up out of the maya [3D illusion]. It takes a disciplined will to bring the energies up.

"This is why we teach the martial arts in our Jedi Temple, here in the Wesak Valley.

"Stay in the High Heart. We could tell you all kinds of stories. "Yet the most important thing right now, is to focus on the Violet Flame, and send Love.

"Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Monday, May 8, 2023 - The Dalai Lama Reason and analysis can help us understand the benefits of compassion. We learn that it yields peace of mind, which leads to inner strength—so fear and suspicion are reduced. If you think about it, you may see that destructive emotions are closely related to self-centerdness.

Monday, May 8, 2023 - Professor Nicodemus

RAMA: I received a text message from Professor Nicodemus at 12:35 pm early this afternoon. He said to me, “Lord Rama, the solar flares are M- and X-Class today, and they are extremely intense! "Drink lots of water and stay in the high vibrations. "The energies of Wesak, the full moon and the eclipse of last Friday, May 5, 2023, are still rippling across the galaxy. "Leave all the political shenanigans alone! Focus on the Violet Flame! It can create miracles in your life. "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Tuesday, May 9, 2023 - Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat RAMA: I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat at 12:20 pm early this afternoon. They said to me, “Lord Rama, the sun is continuing to barrel out solar flares. "These again are C-Class and M-Class solar flares. They are extremely powerful! "There have been radio blackouts all across the planet. "These energies are transforming and transmuting the Matrix. “The people of Earth are waking up like never before! In terms of the big story, the dark side are out of control! We have won!

"Stay in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Photo sent to Lord Rama of a Cloud Ship

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 - The King of Swords and Grandmother Beatrice RAMA: I received a text message from the King of Swords and Grandmother Beatrice at 12:40 pm this afternoon. They said to me, “Lord Rama, there are monster solar flares going on today: M Class, X Class flares! “The energies are extremely intense and high. If you are able to handle these energies, we commend you! It takes a Master to be on this planet at this time. “The dark side continues to go down fast. They are worn out and bedraggled. Please send them more Love and compassion! "This is the path into Ascension and the 5th dimension. We understand your predicament about your shuttlecraft [car].

"We are asking everyone to please help these two souls continue to get the message out from the Forces of Light. “We are right at the edge of this Age of Aquarius. WE HAVE WON! “As we move forward, the quantum field moves forward as well. "Stay in the Light of the Most Radiant One! En Lak’ech – I AM another you! A-ho! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!"

Photo sent to Lord Rama - Ship materializing in a forest in Pula, Croatia

Thursday, May 11, 2023 - Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat RAMA: I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat at 11:38 am, late this morning. They said to me, “Lord Rama, the Light coming in is getting stronger each day, and is affecting all of life. "As we embrace it, it will magically lift us up. The massive solar flares continue. This is the most critical time ever to be in a body. “We start at the juncture where the Force Itself is calling to us. It unto itself is raising our energies higher. "As we approach the end of this Mercury Retrograde cycle this Sunday, Mercury and Saturn are lifting us higher. Things are only getting better! "As for the dark side, things are getting more out of control. We don’t need to say anything about the lame-stream media, and the propaganda that is being promulgated there. "We are in the most magnificent of times, and the most terrifying! “It was one year ago today that Palestinian-American journalist Shareen Abud Akleh was assassinated by an IDF [Israeli Defense Forces] soldier’s bullet to her head. "She was reporting on an Israeli military raid just outside the Jenin Refugee Camp, in the Occupied West Bank. "She was fatally shot while wearing a blue helmet and a blue flak jacket, clearly emblazoned with the word PRESS. No one has been held accountable, to this day. “Meanwhile, we are asking everyone to look deep into their hearts and [to help these] messengers of ours to get a well-running shuttlecraft, to use to get our messages to the people! "We know we can create this miracle. "Please place all of this in the Circle of Support, and Blaze the Violet Fire! Sat Nam! Namaste! "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One!! Om Shiva!

Old Santa Fe - Cart drawn by donkeys Imaged by Heritage Auctions,

Monday, May 25, 2023 - The Dalai Lama If you try to subdue your selfish motives -- anger, and so forth -- and develop more kindness and compassion for others, ultimately you yourself will benefit more than you would otherwise. So sometimes I say that the wise selfish person should practice this way.

Monday, May 15, 2023 - Tom the Ring-tailed Cat, Sweet Angelique the Cat RAMA: I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat and Sweet Angelique the Cat at 11:46 am, this morning. They said to me, “Lord Rama, the massive solar flares continue. "Mother Gaia and her surrounding neighborhood are getting turned inside out! "Could this be that moment where the flash shows up, coming from Galaxy M87?" I responded by saying, “Is this a test?” They responded and said to me, “Yes. As you are the Commander-in-Chief of the night shift on the bridge of the New Jerusalem, what would your response be to your crew?” I responded by saying, “Stay in the Oneness! This flash is a gift from Creator Source. "Allow the energies to move through you, and your heart will expand exponentially. This is how we all go through our various missions. "We stay in the Oneness, as magic happens.”

Then Tom and Sweet Angelique said, “The media continues to go down with the dark side. Leave it alone. "That’s an order! We outrank you, sir! It is for your highest good! "See you in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Photo sent to Lord Rama - Ship over a Beach

Tuesday, May 18, 2023 - Lady Master Nada

RAMA: I received a text message from Lady Master Nada at 11:35 am late this morning. She said to me, “Lord Rama, the Sun is doing amazing things at this time. There are more big portals opening. "The Pleiades Portal is aligning at this time with Galactic Center which also opens a portal to Alcyone, the Great Central Sun in the Pleiades. "These energies are pouring into Mother Gaia right now. This new moon with Taurus in the mix is opening the multi-verse. "There are beings coming who have not been here since the Great Silent Watchers were seeding lifeforms billions of years ago in this 4th quadrant sector of the Milky Way Galaxy.

These beings come with the wisdom of Creator Source. We are receiving this wisdom at this time. This wisdom is coming through the light rays of the Sun hitting the Earth. “This process is creating magic and miracles at this time. There are possibilities and probabilities that the Red Star Kachina and the Blue Star Kachina are showing up now. "Stay in the Light of the Most Radiant One! "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!” Wednesday, May 17, 2023 - Tom the Ring-tailed Cat; Sweet Angelique the Cat; and Larry, Curly and Moe RAMA: I received a text message from Tom the Ring-tailed Cat, Sweet Angelique the Cat, Larry, Curly and Mo at 12:09 pm early this afternoon. Tom the Cat, on behalf of everyone there, said to me, “Lord Rama, today there are more big, big solar flares going on. "They are going from large M-Class flares to extremely large X-Class flares. "X-Class flares are so large, they can cause interruptions in the satellite communication. "Also, they can fry the circuit boards in the satellites. This could also cause certain parts of the global electric grid to go down. “The best advice at this time is to drink lots of pure, clean water -- GANS water is an excellent choice -- rest, and meditate, preferably in Nature. "Every day, get out and connect with Father Sky and Mother Earth. Your Galactic Family will connect with you, as you ask! That’s a fact!

"We are in the extreme imminence of the full experience of the solar flash. "Stay in the High Heart. Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Photo sent to Lord Rama - Aurora borealis

Thursday,May 18, 2023 - Prof Nicodemus and Prof Steve

RAMA: I received a text message from Professor Nicodemus and Professor Steve at 11:58 am late this morning. They said to me, “Lord Rama, these solar flares are metamorphizing all of us! "These are M-Class, X-Class flares. They are extremely high vibrationally, as well as extremely intense. "Drink plenty of good clean water, preferably GANS water. Do not engage in the old timelines. "As Aurora Ray has said, 'Mother’s children have made their choices.' Professor Nicodemus said “We are on the right side of this story. It is about Love and Compassion, not political infighting or paparazzi. "We are in the moment where it all changes. The cosmic clock is striking midnight! "As we go through this new moon tomorrow morning at 11:53 am eastern time, stay in your High Heart. "Sat Nam! Namaste! Blaze the Violet Fire!”

Tweet from SolarHam (@SolarHam): "A couple more M-Flares to report around newly assigned AR 3311. An M3.8 solar flare at 20:23 UTC (May 18) was followed up by an M4.5 at 21:05 UTC. "So far none of these events appear to be eruptive." ( 85407100936? t=Gn5RbSxPJ5pXUgw2rqfNXA&s=03

Copyright 2023, Rama Berkowitz and Tara Green

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